
This is a true saying, and everyone should believe it: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—and I was the worst of them all. – 1 Timothy 1:15


Paul’s teaching about sinners focuses on God’s real purpose in sending Jesus: to save those who are lost. Miserable, undone sinners are “the stuff” from which Jesus makes miracles. Often the lower a sinner sinks, the greater the glory God receives when the sinner repents.

Rahab, the prostitute in Jericho, was probably the lowest social outcast in the city (Joshua 6:17). However, God was willing to spare her and her entire family because she was repentant. In God’s sovereign choice to use her, Rahab first was spared from destruction. Then she actually became one of the four women mentioned in Matthew 1 as a direct ancestor of King David and Jesus Christ Himself (v. 5).

Can you see how God loves to take the “things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all . . . to bring to nothing what the world considers important, so that no one can ever boast in the presence of God” (1 Corinthians 1:28-29)? He will run to meet any sinner who comes to his senses and returns to Him saying, “Father, I have sinned” (Luke 15:21). Let us rejoice with the angels today over even one sinner who repents!


This is a true saying, and everyone should believe it: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—and I was the worst of them all. – 1 Timothy 1:15




Please listen, O Shepherd of Israel, you who lead Israel like a flock. O God, enthroned above the cherubim, display your radiant glory to Ephraim, Benjamin, and Manasseh. Show us your mighty power. Come to rescue us! – Psalm 80:1-2

The most powerful illustration of God’s presence going before His people is that of the Israelites as they crossed the Jordan with the ark of the covenant leading them. The ark represented God’s throne, His power, and His might. It went ahead of Israel into the battle at Jericho and brought the Israelites victory. Indeed, if the ark had not gone before them, they would have been on their own.

Whatever impossible circumstance may stand before you will surely be defeated as God’s presence arrives in the battle. Joshua 3:13 says that when the feet of the priests who carried the ark touched the water, the flow of water was cut off upstream and the river piled up there in a heap.

As you come to your “Jordan,” set your foot into the water. How dare the proud waters defy God’s presence and power! The foot of faith carries the arm of omnipotence. One little step of faith releases all the power of God into your situation. Let God’s face shine against the darkness!

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