
Remember, O my God, all that I have done for these people, and bless me for it. – Nehemiah 5:19


Integrity is the missing ingredient in many leaders today. Nehemiah, however, taught and modeled a sacrificial lifestyle that was above reproach. Although he had a right to be pampered, he refused to place a heavy burden on the people (Nehemiah 5:15). Although others had lorded it over the people, Nehemiah devoted himself to the work on the wall (v. 16). In addition, he never demanded the fine food allotted to him as governor (v. 18). He was a man of rare integrity who led by his example.

A life of integrity demands a lifestyle of accountability that involves one’s money, priorities, and motives. God was so blessed by Job’s integrity that He described him as “the finest man in all the earth—a man of complete integrity” (Job 2:3). In the New Testament, Peter reminded the elders not to be greedy for money, but eager to serve; not to lord it over those entrusted to them, but to be examples to the flock (1 Peter 5:2-3).

Those you lead can tell if your heart is influenced by the work or the benefits of the work. If you aspire to leadership, seek integrity. God will be sure to make a place for you!


During this time, none of us . . . ever took off our clothes. We carried our weapons with us at all times, even when we went for water. – Nehemiah 4:23

Have you ever been in a pitched battle? Nehemiah was! As he neared the end of constructing the wall, he remained ever vigilant. He never took off his armor in the day of battle and kept his weapon with him at all times. Relaxation was not an option.

At times the spiritual warfare in life can reach a fever pitch. Satan knows when you are approaching a breakthrough threshold in the advancement of the Kingdom of Christ. But just like a sports team that fights hardest in a goal-line stand, you’ve got to hold steady and remain firm in the fiercest moment of battle.

As Paul said, “Use every piece of God’s armor to resist the enemy in the time of evil, so that after the battle you will still be standing firm”

(Ephesians 6:13). When you are facing a crisis and engaged in spiritual warfare, don’t stop battling the devil until the breakthrough comes. There will be plenty of time for rest when the battle is won!

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