
If only there were a mediator who could bring us together, but there is none. – Job 9:33


The cry of man throughout the ages has been for someone who could act as an umpire in the game of life. Job envisioned a mediator who could be on equal terms with both God and man and could reconcile us to the Father.

In Christ’s resurrection, Paul presents a picture of the man Job was looking for. “So you see, just as death came into the world through a man, Adam, now the resurrection from the dead has begun through another man, Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:21). Only a “God-man” could come to earth, die for our sin, and be resurrected as the Son of God.

Jesus, the second Adam, is the Umpire, the One who can stand between God and man to reconcile us. His resurrection has assured us that in the end, He will humble “all his enemies beneath his feet” (1 Corinthians 15:25). Let us look to Jesus as our Hope, both now and forever!


When you meet, one will sing, another will teach, another will tell some special revelation God has given, one will speak in an unknown language, while another will interpret what is said. But everything that is done must be useful to all and build them up in the Lord. – 1 Corinthians 14:26

The local church exists for two reasons: the edification of the believer and the evangelization of the unbeliever. All the gifts of the Spirit are intended to edify, or build up, both the person who is releasing the gift and those who are receiving it.

When we go to church, we should be thinking of what God has given us that day that we can share with the other believers. Do we have a song to sing, a testimony to share, money to give, or words of prophecy to speak? If we share our gifts in love, “everyone will learn and be encouraged” (1 Corinthians 14:31). And perhaps even more importantly, unbelievers present with us will be touched in their hearts and say, “God is really here among you” (v. 25).

It is imperative that we, as members of the Body of Christ, understand our gifts and move in them in love. When we release the gifts of the Spirit that are within us, we grow in grace, other believers profit, and unbelievers repent.

Which gift do you bring to your church?

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