
And they cried to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of the one who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb. For the great day of their wrath has come, and who will be able to survive?” – Revelation 6:16-17


The beauty of the opening scenes of Revelation gives way to the awful scenes of judgment upon the earth. God is merciful and long-suffering, but He will not be mocked. Earth is a ticking time bomb, waiting to explode with God’s fury and judgment upon the centuries-old wickedness in the nations of the world.

Step by step, plague by plague, the judgment of God will be poured out upon the earth. The fear of God’s wrath will fall upon all human beings to the point where mountains and rocks falling upon them will seem like a welcome relief!

The writer of Proverbs questioned, “Who but God goes up to heaven and comes back down? Who holds the wind in his fists? Who wraps up the oceans in his cloak? Who has created the whole wide world? What is his name—and his son’s name? Tell me if you know!” (30:4).

Fear the One who sits on the throne and His Son, the Lamb. Fear the Lord now while you may still receive His grace and forgiveness!


Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. – Psalm 136:1

The twenty-six letters of the Hebrew alphabet are used to begin the twenty-six verses of Psalm 136. Twenty-six times the Holy Spirit wants us to know that “His faithful loves endures forever.” This fact should be branded upon our minds and hearts both now and always.

In stark contrast to this message is the incredible judgment of the seventh seal (Revelation 8). Death, darkness, and despair consume the earth with fiery hail, falling stars, and bitter waters. How does this judgment show a God whose love endures forever? Nahum provides the answer: “The Lord is slow to get angry, but his power is great, and he never lets the guilty go unpunished. He displays his power in the whirlwind and the storm. The billowing clouds are the dust beneath his feet” (Nahum 1:3). God shows His love by waiting so long to impose judgment!

Centuries have gone by with God’s long-suffering, restraining judgment being withheld, just as He withheld in the days of Noah. God also waited patiently for Pharaoh, though He “killed the firstborn of Egypt” (Psalm 136:10). The old idea that a God of love cannot show wrath is wrong. His love is shown by the fact that He waits so long to display His wrath!

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