
He was the one who prayed to the God of Israel, “Oh that you would bless me and extend my lands! Please be with me in all that I do, and keep me from all trouble and pain!” And God granted him his request. – 1 Chronicles 4:10


The prayer of Jabez is a cry for deliverance from a life of pain. The name Jabez means “distress,” or “pain,” and accordingly, from the day of his birth, Jabez endured much pain.

Satan seeks to afflict those who are honorable with pain and sorrow in order to destroy their effectiveness. Jabez prayed for God to turn the devil’s curse into blessing and his own limitations into enlargement. Our prayers, too, should be for God to enlarge our territory just as He did for Jabez, who had been through such pain and sorrow. We want to be enlarged, not for personal pride and pleasure, but to reach into the regions beyond with the Gospel.

Jabez also prayed that God would keep him from harm so he could be delivered from a life of pain, sorrow, and distraction. And God granted his request!

Why not pray today for God to reverse the curse and break the limitations you have faced, perhaps even from birth? He will spread His protection over you (Psalm 5:11) and surround you with favor as with a shield (v. 12)!


He was the one who prayed to the God of Israel, “Oh that you would bless me and extend my lands! Please be with me in all that I do, and keep me from all trouble and pain!” And God granted him his request. – 1 Chronicles 4:10




I have hope in God, just as these men do, that he will raise both the righteous and the ungodly. Because of this, I always try to maintain a clear conscience before God and everyone else. – Acts 24:15-16

In Acts 24 Paul could not be swayed to offer a bribe to Governor Felix (v. 26). He kept his conscience clear before both God and man. Consequently, he was able to reason with Felix concerning “righteousness and self-control and the judgment to come” (v. 25).

Our primary witness to the lost comes from who we are, not just what we say. Felix believed that any man could be bought for a price and that Paul’s words would eventually yield to his lusts. He found in Paul, however, a man genuinely concerned about the governor’s soul—a man who was totally unmoved by materialism. Paul had discovered that “the Lord has set apart the godly for himself” (Psalm 4:3). Because of Paul’s integrity, nothing could penetrate his shield of protection.

Be careful of your witness, as well as your words, in front of those you seek to influence. Satan will try to negate your witness by your works. One false move and all that you say will be meaningless. If you are going to preach about the judgment to come, live as though you are ready for the judgment. Then your witness will be powerful.

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