
Accept Christians who are weak in faith, and don’t argue with them about what they think is right or wrong. – Romans 14:1


What should we do when two Christians’ convictions differ and each person’s heart is pure? Paul teaches us to defer to our convicted brother in order to avoid offending him. We are not to look down on a brother whose conscience bothers him in a certain area, even though our conscience does not bother us in that same area. Instead, we are to accept him whose faith is weak.

Why should Christians or a church break fellowship with someone over things that are only earthly or temporal? We should major on what the Holy Spirit majors on: righteousness, peace, and joy (Romans 14:17). We must let our brother or sister follow his or her conscience, and we must follow ours without brazenly displaying our actions for the purpose of argument. The important thing is the person, not the issue in question. “And if another Christian is distressed by what you eat, you are not acting in love if you eat it. Don’t let your eating ruin someone for whom Christ died” (v. 15).

“Those whose hands and hearts are pure” (Psalm 24:5) are allowed to “climb the mountain of the Lord” (v. 4). One day in heaven, the temporal disagreements of earth will be forever settled, and Jesus will be the only thing that matters.


. . . And as long as the king sought the Lord, God gave him success. – 2 Chronicles 26:5

We can almost always trace our successes and failures to our seeking of God. When we are humble and childlike, we sense our total dependence upon and hunger for God. Prayer becomes easy and natural because we are so dependent. When we become proud and self-sufficient, however, we stop praying and start acting.

The Lord helped Uzziah “wonderfully until he became very powerful. But when he had become powerful, he also became proud, which led to his downfall. . . .” (2 Chronicles 26:15-16). Satan trapped Uzziah in the same snare that he himself had fallen into in eternity past. Pride had caused Satan to be cast out of heaven, and pride caused Uzziah to be cast out of the temple. As a result of his arrogant attitude and defiant spirit toward the priests of God, Uzziah developed terminal leprosy. If only he had remained childlike, humble, and dependent!

Our prayer lives reveal our heart attitudes. Therefore, we need to keep seeking the Lord, even if our minds tell us we have “made it.” God may be checking out our dependence attitudes!

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