
Then the man of God went to the king of Israel and said, “This is what the Lord says: The Arameans have said that the Lord is a god of the hills and not of the plains. So I will help you defeat this vast army. Then you will know that I am the Lord.” – 1 Kings 20:28


Oh, the power of prophetic confrontation! Since earliest times, kings and leaders of nations have been challenged by the miracles and rebukes of anointed prophets. Ahab was shown a miraculous sign when God delivered the Arameans into his hands. Then Elijah confronted Ahab in Naboth’s vineyard as God judged him for Naboth’s murder (1 Kings 21:17). The proconsul Sergius Paulus witnessed a powerful miracle when God struck the sorcerer blind (Acts 13:11). These confrontational miracles were intended to demonstrate to those in authority that God is Lord of heaven and earth.

In Christ you have the authority to confront those in leadership with the claims of Christ. No power is greater than God, and He has given you power so you might bring the Gospel to world leaders. The same Spirit that filled Paul and blinded Elymas (Acts 13:9) is in you. Don’t be afraid, but speak boldly. God will surely back you up!


He remembered our utter weakness. His faithful love endures forever. – Psalm 136:23

The One who remembers us in our times of trouble also remembered Elijah and Peter at their lowest points. Elijah was suffering from burnout after fighting the victorious battle on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 19:4), but an angel of the Lord came and strengthened him. God gave him new vision and direction for his life. Peter, also in dire straits, had an angelic visitation and was rescued from prison the night before he was to be executed.

You can learn from these examples that God remembers you in your human frailty when you are worn-out in mind, body, and spirit from the fatigue of spiritual warfare. When you are at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. Help is on the way!

God receives the greatest glory when His servants come to the end of their resources and can only look up. Ask Him to strengthen you today in your weakness, for His love truly endures forever.

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