
They replied, “Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, along with your entire household.” – Acts 16:31


Household salvation is a promise stated throughout the Word of God. Paul told the Philippian jailer that if he gave his heart to Jesus, he and his family would be saved. That night both he and his entire family became Christians (Acts 16:34). At that moment, all their names were recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

As the children of Israel waited for judgment to fall upon their nation, they were instructed to offer a lamb for a household (Exodus 12:3). We should never stop pressing this claim of the Word of God for our families to be saved from the wrath to come.

We must daily bring our families and relatives before the Father. Noah entered the ark with his entire family. Job prayed continually for his children, in case one of them had done something to offend God. It pleases the Lord when we remind Him of our kindred relationship to our families and stand against Satan’s attempts to totally defeat them.

Place the blood of Jesus daily over the doorpost of your household. Claim today that all your household will join you in heaven and will bring you joy here on earth as well!


But as one of them was chopping, his ax head fell into the river. “Ah, my lord!” he cried. “It was a borrowed ax!” – 2 Kings 6:5

The story of the lost ax head is so descriptive of the human condition. First, the ax head was not with its rightful master. In the same way, we once belonged to God, but Satan stole us in the Garden of Eden and made us his slaves.

Second, the ax head was in the wrong place. It should have been out doing its work, but instead it was on the bottom of the Jordan in an alien environment. When we were in sin, we were completely submerged in the wrong environment—dead to God and alienated from His life.

Finally, the ax head could not save itself. The ax head had no power to change its situation; thus, it was destined to remain stuck in the mud. Only when “Elisha cut a stick and threw it into the water” (2 Kings 6:6) did the ax head supernaturally begin to rise from the bottom in a physical “resurrection.” What a picture of Jesus’ death and resurrection!

No amount of personal desire or willpower can lift us from the muddy quagmire of sin if we are stuck fast in it. Only Jesus can deliver us. We then belong to God, never to return to the bottom again!

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