
While David was sitting at the city gate, the watchman climbed to the roof of the gateway by the wall. As he looked, he saw a lone man running toward them. – 2 Samuel 18:24


When grown men run, something urgent has caused them to abandon their usual dignity. Ahimaaz’s zeal to run was inspired by his joy at being the one to report a victory to his king (2 Samuel 18:28). In the New Testament, Peter and John ran at the thought of the resurrection (John 20:4). When we have an important message to deliver, we, too, will run.

When news so wonderful grips the soul, the usual pace of life is interrupted, and a walk becomes a run. Those who do not know the Lord may not understand your zeal to run with the good news of the Gospel, but they do not hesitate to run for what they are excited about. You need to ask God to quicken your pace of testimony, to thrill your heart with His Word so that a walk just won’t do.

If you have lost your zeal, come back to the empty tomb today and look in. Then run to the waiting nations with your report. Remember what Jesus said when He appeared to His disciples following His resurrection: “As the Father has sent me, so I send you” (John 20:21).


When the soldiers had crucified Jesus, they divided his clothes among the four of them. – John 19:23

It seems that God in His foreknowledge was determined to leave Jesus with nothing as He finished the work on the cross. Jesus’ clothes were His last physical possessions upon the earth. As was customary, the soldiers received those for themselves.

Paul said, “You know how full of love and kindness our Lord Jesus Christ was. Though he was very rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty he could make you rich” (2 Corinthians 8:9). Jesus completely emptied Himself of all earthly riches and glory in order to pay the full price for our redemption. How opposite His attitude was from that of a world that struggles to amass wealth and fortune!

Let us live to give. In the short time we are on earth, let us use our worldly possessions as tools to reach the lost. At the moment of death, we will discard all earthly goods, like an animal shedding a worn-out skin. Let’s take a fresh look at our possessions and ask how they can serve to further the Gospel before God calls us home to glory!

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