
God blesses people who patiently endure testing. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. – James 1:12


Are you going through a severe trial today? If so, your mind must settle certain issues. First, your reaction to the trial should be one of joy, for the testing of your faith develops perseverance (James 1:2-3). Rejoice when trials come your way, because without a test, there can be no testimony.

Second, you should remember that if you persevere and withstand the test, you will receive the crown of life (v. 12). All your earthly difficulties are simply adding jewels to your eternal crown and reward. That is a life-changing way to look at trials, now isn’t it?

Finally, you should never blame God for all your trials. He does not tempt you to sin and only gives you what is good. “Whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God above, who created all heaven’s lights” (v. 17). Always remember “how kind the Lord is! How good he is! So merciful, this God of ours!” (Psalm 116:5).

The summary of the matter? Trials are working in your character, they are temporary, and God is concerned about your trials. One day you will be on the other side of the trial, saying to yourself as the psalmist said, “Now I can rest again, for the Lord has been so good to me” (Psalm 116:7).


Wisdom has built her spacious house with seven pillars. – Proverbs 9:1

James describes these seven pillars of wisdom (James 3:17) and contrasts them to the wisdom that is “earthly, unspiritual, and motivated by the Devil” (v. 15). First, wisdom is pure. Living a mixed, compromised lifestyle may appear smart, but it is not wise.

Second, wisdom is peace-loving. This attitude is in direct contrast to the world’s envy and selfish ambition, which results in “disorder and every kind of evil” (v. 16).

Third, wisdom is gentle. A wise person practices gentle courtesy and always considers the needs, desires, and feelings of others.

Fourth, wisdom is submissive. A person’s willingness to yield his will to the overall good of the family, community, or local church is a mark of true wisdom.

Fifth, wisdom is full of mercy and good fruit. A wise person will demonstrate obvious marks of goodness, charity, and forgiveness toward those who have injured him.

Sixth, wisdom is impartial, never valuing the face or status of someone instead of that person’s actual deed or need.

Finally, wisdom is sincere. A wise person is not hypocritical, but possesses a deep, inward authenticity. With him, what you see is what you get!

Establish your life on these seven pillars, and you will “plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of goodness” (v. 18).

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