
Wisdom has built her spacious house with seven pillars. – Proverbs 9:1


James describes these seven pillars of wisdom (James 3:17) and contrasts them to the wisdom that is “earthly, unspiritual, and motivated by the Devil” (v. 15). First, wisdom is pure. Living a mixed, compromised lifestyle may appear smart, but it is not wise.

Second, wisdom is peace-loving. This attitude is in direct contrast to the world’s envy and selfish ambition, which results in “disorder and every kind of evil” (v. 16).

Third, wisdom is gentle. A wise person practices gentle courtesy and always considers the needs, desires, and feelings of others.

Fourth, wisdom is submissive. A person’s willingness to yield his will to the overall good of the family, community, or local church is a mark of true wisdom.

Fifth, wisdom is full of mercy and good fruit. A wise person will demonstrate obvious marks of goodness, charity, and forgiveness toward those who have injured him.

Sixth, wisdom is impartial, never valuing the face or status of someone instead of that person’s actual deed or need.

Finally, wisdom is sincere. A wise person is not hypocritical, but possesses a deep, inward authenticity. With him, what you see is what you get!

Establish your life on these seven pillars, and you will “plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of goodness” (v. 18).


And their prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will make them well. And anyone who has committed sins will be forgiven. – James 5:15

Prayer is the mightiest force upon earth. It is powerful enough to help the troubled, the sick, or the sinner (James 5:13-16).

Elijah is an example of one of the most powerful “pray-ers” in the Bible. He was subject to the same human frailties that we experience when we pray: boredom, fatigue, discouragement, hunger, and thirst. However, so powerful a prayer warrior was he that when he prayed for no rain, “none fell for the next three and a half years!” (James 5:17).

Elijah was consistent for more than three years in holding back the rain through prayer. Then, during a seven-part prayer drama on Mount Carmel, he sent his servant to look for a cloud of rain over the Mediterranean. Six times the servant returned discouraged. Finally, Elijah’s prayer broke through, and the cloud of rain soaked the parched soil.

Our prayer goal? More than anything else, we must pray for those who have strayed from the truth of the Gospel and work to bring them back to right relationship with God (vv. 19-20).

Pray on, fervent Christian. The cloud of salvation is beginning to rise!

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