
“Destruction is certain for my rebellious children,” says the Lord. “You make plans that are contrary to my will. You weave a web of plans that are not from my Spirit, thus piling up your sins.” – Isaiah 30:1


How easy it is to become entrapped by the natural way of thinking and to craft ways of doing things that completely leave out the Holy Spirit! Egypt looked very enticing to those who were desperate for help, but God told them that trusting in Egypt’s pharaoh for protection would only bring them humiliation and disgrace (Isaiah 30:3). The Holy Spirit has a better plan for you than to take you by way of Egypt!

Following the Spirit carries a price: “And we who are born of the Holy Spirit are persecuted by those who want us to keep the law, just as Isaac, the child of promise, was persecuted by Ishmael, the son of the slave-wife” (Galatians 4:29). It will be the same for you if you refuse the world’s way of thinking. If you don’t solve your problems the “normal way”—the way the world or religion tells you to—you will be persecuted.

God’s ways are not your ways. Before you plow into a crisis armed only with worldly advice, it would profit you to wait on the Holy Spirit for His direction. “I wait quietly before God, for my salvation comes from him” (Psalm 62:1).

Egypt may look tempting, but put your hope in God alone!


From the ends of the earth, I will cry to you for help, for my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the towering rock of safety, for you are my safe refuge, a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me. – Psalm 61:2-3

You know you are in trouble when you feel so far away from God’s presence that your address might as well be “the ends of the earth”! David felt the quicksand of doubt, fear, and unbelief underneath his feet. As he grew weaker by the minute, his desperate cry was to be brought to a spiritual position where his feet could feel the Rock of God beneath him.

The moment your heart is safely settled on that Rock, God will keep you in “perfect peace” because your “thoughts are fixed on [Him]” (Isaiah 26:3). Trust is the feeling of security you have when your feet are solidly planted on a Rock that towers high above all your enemies.

That Rock is also a place of safety where you can find secure refuge and shelter (Psalm 61:3-4). As Isaiah phrased it, “But to the poor, O Lord, you are a refuge from the storm. To the needy in distress, you are a shelter from the rain and heat. . ..” (Isaiah 25:4).

Climb up on the Rock right now, and rest in His perfect peace.

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