
Then in my vision that night, I saw a fourth beast, terrifying, dreadful, and very strong. It devoured and crushed its victims with huge iron teeth and trampled what was left beneath its feet. It was different from any of the other beasts, and it had ten horns. – Daniel 7:7


There were four major world kingdoms in the ancient world: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. Daniel saw each of these kingdoms in animal form. The last kingdom, the Roman Empire, was an empire that was different from all the former beasts, and it had ten horns.

In world history, Rome ceased to exist as an empire centuries ago. However, in biblical prophecy, from this last empire will arise a world ruler spoken of as the “little horn,” or Antichrist. The Roman Empire is still around in seed form, and during the close of time, it will revive again as a league of ten nations.

The Antichrist will arise from these ten nations, and his boastful mouth will seek to exalt himself as God. He will be destroyed only by a direct intervention of the Ancient of Days. The world has seen some awful dictators in its short history—Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, and others—but this world dictator will crush all opposition to his rule.

It’s good to be on the Lord’s side. We know the end from the beginning, and the good news is that we win!


Then in my vision that night, I saw a fourth beast, terrifying, dreadful, and very strong. It devoured and crushed its victims with huge iron teeth and trampled what was left beneath its feet. It was different from any of the other beasts, and it had ten horns. – Daniel 7:7




When the wicked take charge, people hide. When the wicked meet disaster, the godly multiply. – Proverbs 28:28

History is replete with stories of the rise and fall of persecutors of the Church, but the worst persecutor of all time could arrive in our generation. We may or may not be around when the actual Antichrist arrives on the scene, but the “spirit of the Antichrist” (1 John 4:3) has been working for thousands of years. It is a deceptive spirit, seeking to deny that Jesus is the Christ and thus denying the Father and the Son (2:22).

Daniel received the greatest Old Testament revelation of the Antichrist. He foresaw the covenant the Antichrist will make with the Jewish people in the seven years known as the Tribulation. The Antichrist will suddenly turn on the Jewish nation and “set up a sacrilegious object that causes desecration” (Daniel 9:27). It will be an image of the Antichrist himself in the midst of the Jews’ rebuilt temple.

We are not deceived, however, because we have the truth of the Holy Spirit living in us (1 John 2:20). Let us fear neither the literal Antichrist nor the spirit of Antichrist. The greater One is living inside us!

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