
So take courage! For I believe God. It will be just as he said. – Acts 27:25


Purpose can make a huge difference in a person’s life. The crew of Paul’s ship had given up all hope of being saved (Acts 27:20) after being relentlessly tossed in a mighty storm for two weeks. Still Paul was not moved. He knew he had a purpose to fulfill, for an angel had spoken to him, telling him that he would “surely stand trial before Caesar” (v. 24). Believing that nothing could defeat what God had determined, Paul encouraged everyone around him that all would be well.

When the circumstances of life fail to line up with your expectations, you can feel trapped, and the world becomes a hopeless place. God, however, has a plan for you, and when you find His purpose for your life, adverse circumstances become meaningless. No matter the difficulty, Satan cannot destroy you before you fulfill your purpose.

In Acts 27:28, when all hope seemed gone, suddenly a slight change appeared: the depth of the water lessened. As you cling to your purpose and God’s promise, suddenly the battle will begin to turn. It may seem almost imperceptible at first, but nothing will stop God from fulfilling His purposes.

That’s exactly what David experienced. After all the years of his trials with Saul, the day finally came when God removed Saul from the scene and “turned his kingdom over to David son of Jesse” (1 Chronicles 10:14).

Keep sailing. God is not finished with you yet!


So take courage! For I believe God. It will be just as he said. – Acts 27:25




“Sirs,” he said, “I believe there is trouble ahead if we go on—shipwreck, loss of cargo, injuries, and danger to our lives. – Acts 27:10

How easily we can be blown off course from the will of God by listening to advice from others instead of listening to a word from the Lord! Paul tried to convince the centurion that he had heard from God concerning great danger to the ship if they set sail from Fair Havens. Nevertheless, the centurion followed the advice of the pilot and the owner of the ship (Acts 27:11).

Someone once said, “We don’t need good advice. We need a word from the Lord!” God does not need decision makers—He needs hearers. In every circumstance, He has a planned way of escape (1 Corinthians 10:13), if we will take the time to listen to Him. The pilot and ship’s owner thought they had made the right decision “when a light wind began blowing from the south” (Acts 27:13). How quickly, however, did the dreamy breeze turn into a nightmare storm!

Do not try to discern the right direction with your natural mind, but wait upon the Lord and listen to His counsel. In the end, you will save yourself much heartache, for “the Lord’s purpose will prevail” (Proverbs 19:21). If you follow His counsel, you will discover that God is your shield, “saving those whose hearts are true and right” (Psalm 7:10).

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