
For it has pleased God to tell his people that the riches and glory of Christ are for you Gentiles, too. For this is the secret: Christ lives in you, and this is your assurance that you will share in his glory. – Colossians 1:27


The mystery of all ages is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Just as we see Christ in all His glory, we also see how Christ in us is our hope of glory.

Paul’s challenge was to impart Christ into the lives of the believers. He wanted every person to be perfect, or mature, in Christ (Colossians 1:28). Maturity in Christ comes, first of all, from receiving correction when necessary. We need someone around us who will warn us of danger zones, blind spots, and areas that block the glory of Christ in our lives.

Second, spiritual maturity comes from being taught. How desperately we Christians need instruction in engaging in spiritual warfare, raising our families, managing our finances, receiving guidance, developing the fruit of the Spirit, and learning about a host of other subjects relevant to godliness. Someone once said, “We need more information and not just more inspiration.”

Third, perfection, or maturity, comes when believers are “knit together by strong ties of love” (Colossians 2:2). Love is the highest attribute of perfection, and Christ in us desires to reach out to others in love.

If we follow these three guidelines—receiving correction, being taught, and walking in love—we will “have complete understanding of God’s secret plan, which is Christ himself” (v. 2).


For it has pleased God to tell his people that the riches and glory of Christ are for you Gentiles, too. For this is the secret: Christ lives in you, and this is your assurance that you will share in his glory. – Colossians 1:27




Christ is the head of the church, which is his body. He is the first of all who will rise from the dead, so he is first in everything. – Colossians 1:18

Looking at Colossians 1:13-20, we recognize that Jesus Christ deserves supremacy. In this passage, Paul describes the awesome spiritual dimensions of Christ as God sees Him. Verse 15 speaks of Him as the “visible image of the invisible God.” Then in verse 16, He is described as “the one through whom God created everything in heaven and earth.” He is the actual Creator of anything that has ever been cre-ated—spiritual or physical.

Jesus is the invisible force that binds together even atoms and molecules. Through Him, all things “hold together” (v. 17 NIV). He is the Head of the Body, the Church (v. 18), and He was the first to rise from the dead as a firstfruit of all believers in the resurrection. Verse 19 reveals that all the fullness of God dwells in Him; that is, God’s character, energy, wisdom, and holiness are all contained within Him. Finally, His blood shed on the cross is the means by which fallen humanity is restored to God in peace (v. 20).

Jesus is everything to God, and He should have supremacy in our lives as well. Why should we be fascinated by anyone else? Who else or what else besides Jesus matters? God “has rescued us from the one who rules in the kingdom of darkness, and he has brought us into the Kingdom of his dear Son” (Colossians 1:13).

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